Age (Kids 5-16)
Instagram Profile Link
Facebook Profile Link
Other Social Profiles?
Do you have your parent's/guardian's permission to participate in CMP's Ambassador Program? *YesNo
Is your parent/guardian aware that they will need to sign a Model Release for you to be able to participate in the ambassador program? *YesNo
What are your hobbies and interests? Music, photography, gaming, art, etc.
What activities are you involved in? (Please include all clubs, sports, volunteering, etc).
Briefly describe your personality as you think others see you. Example: smart, athletic, serious, funny, etc. *
What are your 3 favorite clothing stores to shop at? *
What's your favorite drink?*
What kind of music do you listen to?*
Why would you be a good ambassador for CMP?
Anything else you would like to add? Do you have any questions?
Because our Ambassadors are all under the age of 18, a parent or guardian consent is required.
Parent First Name
Parent Last Name
Questions or things we should know about you or your child
Are you willing to share on your social media platforms?YesNo
Check the box if you give consent for you or your child to participate in our Ambassador Program.